Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Stuff coming up.....

I know we sent emails out, but we'd really like to get away from the mass emails and onto the blog. So here's the info I've received lately:

Friday, September 18th
We're going to be having a "Wacky Races" activity with lots of different types of races from sack races to 3-legged races, maybe wheelbarrow races, etc. So come prepared for physical activity and don't forget to bring some water and snacks if you need them. We will be meeting at the Gloria Jean Tate park in Marina which is right across the street from Denny's. The meeting time will be our regular time of 1:00 pm. Sue Kaupie is in charge of this activity.

Friday, September 24th
Yuki Gillis has arranged a field trip to The Tech Museum in San Jose and the Ghenghis Khan exhibit on the 24th. We are reserved from 10am to 4pm, but need to lock down a time to meet or carpool. Museum visit will be thru the morning/lunch. Please bring a packed lunch or plan to purchase lunch. After lunch is optional for families wanting to stay to see IMAX shows ($4) and the Genghis Khan Exhibit ($10…she has reserved 15 tickets for now)
Yuki has emailed everyone a flyer with the info and a map to the museum (and parking). You might mail her to work out a time to meet there or carpool.

I have a photos of our trip to the CA Academy of Science Museum. I'll try and get them up in the next couple of days. Although the only people I saw there were the Sawyers and the Hardys.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Literature Day

This Friday, September 10th, is Literature Day at the Marina library. The address is 190 Seaside Circle in Marina. If you haven't been there yet, it's behind WalMart. We'll meet at 1:45 in the homework center. We will spend about 15 minutes talking about the Great American award, then Lori, the head librarian, will take us on a tour and show us how the library can be a valuable home school resource. We are the first home school group to tour this new library, so be ready with your questions and comments. Let's represent. Hope to see you all there.

Speaking of reading, at park day last week some of the moms were discussing struggling readers. One website that helped my kids read is It is a great site for preschoolers learning phonics all the way through 2nd or 3rd grade kids who need to work on comprehension.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Great American History Site

Picturing America is a site that takes famous pictures painted by Americans, and other works of art, and teaches history. It is a great site for viewing the pictures and for finding other facts about the characters. It is linked to lesson plans, PBS shorts, and more. Have fun.