Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday, August 26th...Field Trip

Just a reminder...normally our field trip is on the 4th FRIDAY of the month, but because of scheduling issues, this month it will be on Thursday, the 26th. We will be meeting out in front of the KSBW television news station at 11:20 am and will be given a tour of the studio for about an hour from 11:30-12:30. The studio only allows children in the 3rd grade and up in the studio, so those who want to drop off your older kids at the studio and go to a park with the younger ones, feel free to do so and we'll be sure to take good care of them. The address is 238 John Street. For those not familiar with the area please google a map of it and give yourself plenty of time to get parked and to the front doors. Let me know if you have any questions....Heather Hardy

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